Christmas 2023
We've got lots going on over Advent and Christmas at St John's Church, Epping.
We'd love to see you at any of our events and services:
Sunday 3rd December
Holy Eucharist - 8am (BCP) and 9.20am
Advent Carol Service - 6pm
Friday 1st December - Monday 4th December
St John's Epping Christmas Tree Festival from 1pm
Sunday 10th December
Holy Eucharist - 8am (BCP)
Family Christingle Service - 9.20am
Choral Evensong - 6pm
Sunday 17th December
Holy Eucharist - 8am (BCP) and 9.20am
Nine Lessons and Carols - 6pm
Christmas Eve, 24th December
Holy Eucharist - 8am (BCP) and 9.20am
Quiet Hour - 12pm
Nativity Crib Service - 5pm
Midnight Mass - 11.30pm
Christmas Day, 25th December
Holy Eucharist (BCP) - 8am
Family Eucharist for the Team- 10am
Please note St John's will be closed from 26th December until 2nd January